Category: Uncategorized

  • Republican Elections: The Merits Don’t Matter: It’s all about Worshipping Trump

    Editor, the Transcript: Candidates for elected office are essentially applying for a job. Citizens have a responsibility to vote, so I try to pay attention to happenings with elected officials and educate myself at election time by reading about the candidates and their positions.  I’ve always been a registered Democrat. I tend to vote for…

  • President Trump: “I know more about taxes than any human being that God ever created.”

    Editor, The Transcript: I was more than a little flummoxed when I watched the portion of President Trump’s recent rally in Florida where he discussed the criminal prosecution of his company and its CFO.  Mr. Trump said, “You didn’t pay tax on the car or a company apartment. You used an apartment because you need…

  • The Problem with Unite Norman

    I planned to write a letter last week regarding the dishonest nature of Unite Norman’s campaign to recall Mayor Clark and several council members, but life got in the way. Now I’m compelled to make the time. This week we now have detention and brick throwing on the part of Unite Norman co-founder Sassan Moghadam…